Hi, I'm posting this from within our car right now. I'm heading back home from Pittsburgh. We just visited my grandmother and my aunt and her family. It's been quite some time since we've been there, and it was fun. We played Cranium, and I discovered that the way we've been playing at Josh's wasn't quite right. Specifically, you never roll when you get a wrong answer, not even when you're on a purple brain (yeah, the instructions were actually pretty tricky about the matter). Whatever the case, unfortunately, I was on one of the losing teams. We got stuck on a brain for a painfully long time. Other than Cranium, we got to see some very old pictures from my grandmother's past, and dinner was really good. It was quite amazing how old some of those pictures were. I think one was from 1919! They had scanned them into the printer, and then reprinted them, which was a very good idea.

On our way westward to Pittsburgh, we stopped at a mall that had a winery. Naturally, I tasted some and bought two. One was a Cabernet Franc, and the other was a sweet wine whose name I forgot. Unfortunately, it's in the trunk, so I can't look at it right now.

I know it's been a while since I've posted here, and I hope I start to post more regularly. Maybe I can make opinion posts, rather than simply telling things that happened...